Chickie Chickie Bing Bang Post: __/__/____ Novi: __/__/____ FP: 07/12/1995
Shameless Post: __/__/____ Novi: __/__/2003 FP: 11/01/2004 AKA: Many Tongued Nun AKA: Schwester DirndlDomina AKA: Libertina Antichrystal AKA: Neurotica Nervosa Sabb: __/__/2007 Transferred on: 07/14/2009
to San Francisco Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Phelonious Assualt Post: __/__/____ Novi: __/__/____ FP: 07/12/1995 Transferred on: 08/07/2006
to House of Chastity's Delight
Chastity Feel-Good Post: __/__/____ Novi: __/__/____ FP: 07/12/1999 AKA: Chasity Chase Oh-no! Transferred on: 07/22/2006
to Nuns of the Above
Secretia Post: __/__/____ Novi: __/__/____ FP: 07/12/1999 Transferred on: 08/07/2006
to House of Chastity's Delight
Alice B Toklas Brother Post: __/__/2001 Novi: __/__/____ FP: 11/06/2002 Transferred on: 08/07/2006
to House of Chastity's Delight